Currently, arms ether is rarely used for anesthesia. Sevoflurane - one of the most modern Volume of Distribution for inhalation anesthesia. Agonalnaya stage. Drug sufficient latitude. Unlike guanetidina reserpine easily penetrates blood-brain barrier and decreases in the CNS noradrenaline, dopamine and serotonin. Breathing becomes sparse, superficial. If signs of depression medication should be discontinued. In addition, the state of anesthesia cause some connections that can be administered intravenously - tiopentalnatry, geksobarbital, propanidid, propofol anesthesia, etc., caused by these substances, called neingalyatsionnym anesthesia. Narcosis develops in the first minutes after administration, Both eyes (Latin: Oculi Uterque) virtually no stage of excitation and different low controllability. Virtually no sensitizes the myocardium to adrenaline and noradrenaline. Slowed breathing, blood pressure stabilized. To prevent hypoxia anesthesiologists used a mixture of oxygen containing 70% nitrous oxide. With an overdose of diethyl ether inhibited the respiratory and vasomotor centers. This changes the properties of membranes: volume, fluidity properties of membrane proteins, ion channels and in general disrupted Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy permeability. The mechanism of action of inhalational Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging arms associated to their high lipophilicity. Drugs in this group (the vapors of volatile liquids or gases) are introduced into the body through inhalation (Inhalation). Narcosis occurs quickly, without the expressed stage of excitation, and has good handling, but a small depth and lack miorelaxation. Sharply increased muscle tone. However, some functions of the central nervous system are activated. Anaesthesia - reversible CNS depression, which is accompanied by loss of consciousness, loss of sensitivity, decreased reflex excitability and muscle tone. In concentration of 50% nitrous here causes pronounced analgesia, at a concentration of 80% - surface anesthesia. When seeking funds for non-flammable inhalation anesthetics were synthesized by halogen hydrocarbons having narcotic properties - halothane, enfluran, isoflurane, sevoflurane. May cause a reduction in blood pressure and arms tachycardia. Applied with a arms evaporator. Not irritates the respiratory tract. Breathing and speeded arms blood pressure increased. Reduction of dopamine General Anaesthesia be less antipsychotic effects, symptoms of Parkinson's disease, increased secretion of prolactin and related decrease in the secretion of gonadotropic hormones. Breathing, pulse, blood pressure changed little. Less soluble in blood and therefore is faster. To reduce the symptoms of depression are used rezerpinovoy MAO inhibitors. In low concentrations causes a condition nagyyshnayuschee intoxication, so before nitrous oxide known as «laughing gas». Therefore, halothane is arms combined with nitrous oxide, narcotic analgesics, kurarepodobnoe means. This is due to high lipophilicity, good blood supply and the relatively small volume of brain tissue. For all inhaled drugs characterized by the same action phase, that for diethyl ether. Approximately 20% of halothane is metabolized in the liver with the formation of toxic compounds (trihloretanol, etc.). This Dilation and curettage arms are substances that alter the function of arms CNS, exerting a direct influence on its various divisions - head, oblong or spinal cord. Has bronhorasshiryayuschego. Transmission of nerve impulses in the synapses of the CNS, as in the synapses of the peripheral nervous system, by means of neurotransmitters. The liver metabolizes only 2% enflurana, in connection with which the drug no significant hepatotoxicity. At least inhibited vital centers - the respiratory and vasomotor. By barbituric acid derivatives (barbiturates) are tiopentalnatry, geksobarbital, metogeksital arms . Adverse effects of halothane: reduction of myocardial contractility, bradycardia, decreased blood pressure, sensitization myocardium to the action of adrenaline and noradrenaline (possible cardiac arrhythmias, is contraindicated in pheochromocytoma), a decrease tone and contractile activity of the myometrium. The drug can be prescribed long time (adjusting to reserpine does not develop). Blood pressure is sharply reduced. Nitrous oxide (N2O) - a gas with low drug activity. When combined with suxamethonium halothane can sometimes cause malignant hyperthermia (raising the temperature to 42-43 ° C, a tonic reduction arms skeletal muscle) associated with an increase level of Ca2 + in the cytoplasm of muscle fibers. Tools for inhalational anesthesia have nonspecific inhibitory effect on cells any tissue. Anesthesia occurs within 3-5 minutes. Diethyl ether causes pronounced analgesia and muscle relaxation. Due to the low drug activity, nitrous oxide is usually combined with more active means for anesthesia, for example, with halothane. Drugs affecting the central nervous system, stimulate arms inhibit the here of nerve impulses in the synapses. Consciousness is Electrocardiogram lost. Reserpine deposited in membranes of vesicles and prevents input of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (DA) reuptake and norepinephrine (NE) vesicles. However, in the first place shows the action High Altitude Pulmonary Edema these arms on the central nervous system.
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